Elfí slavnosti (Elvish Celebrations)
, Františka Andršová (Aredhel), Dušan Andrš, Vojtěch Domin (Bardě), HOSTÉ:, Michaela Svatošová, Eliška Nejedlá (Elsa)
Instruments: harfa, flétna tenorová a basová, kytara španělka, mandolína, bouzouki, loutna, housle, džembe
Founded: 2016
Falešné společenstvo (False Fellowship)
False Fellowship is a loose group of people who compose and play songs inspired by the work of J. R. R. Tolkien. It was founded primarily because several Tolkien and music fans wanted to preserve the legacy of disbanded Poetic Fellowship. But, after some time, members of False Fellowship started to write their own songs....
Members: Daniela Binderová
, Eliška Nejedlá
, Fallon Elenwen
, Jakub D. Kočí
, Jitka Žídková
, Laeg Mortemir vai Eledar
, Michal Kára
, Orsejka
, Petr Bohdan
, Vojtěch Domin
, Kompletní abecední seznam členů prošlých FS (do léta 2023)
aktivní členové (sezóna 2023):
Aredhel – Františka Andršová , Bětka – Alžběta Kadlecová , Daniela Binderová , Elsa - Eliška Nejedlá , Fallon - Blanka Salmonová , Filoména Dominová , Hanka - Hana Soukupová , Indil - Zuzana Pažoutová , Jana Pažoutová , Jiří Grunt - čestný nečlen, Jixipen - Jana Syrovátková , Lemming - Michal Kára , Markéta Kárová , Markétka - Markéta Pažoutová , Nerion - Ondřej Janovský , Petr Zach , Pomněnka - Anna Plchová , Tani - Tereza Billichová , Tigris - Zuzana Kárová , Timbo - Josef Plch , Vilém Maršík
neaktivní/ bývalí členové:
Agama - Martina Zrostlíková, Bóža - Petr Bohdan, Drak - Jakub Kočí, Goldie - Tereza Lesáková, Honza Vorlíček, Jaga - Jana Galetková, Jano Janovčík, Jindra - Jindřich Soukup, Jitka Žídková, Laeg - Filip Burian, Lia - Slávka Stehlíková, Lucka - Lucie Kárová, Michal Odarčenko, Orsejka - Kristina Nohavicová, Pali, Pavel Vondřička, Petr Žídek, Polly - Zuzana Ottová (dočasně neaktivní), Půlka - Karolína Vyskočilová, Ronis - Milan Plocr, Viola Handlová,
Instruments: ak. kytary, flétny, klávesy, akordeon, bodhrán, perkussion, ...
Founded: 2001
The Fauns are a folk-rock/progressive-rock band from Berlin. The group was founded in the mid 1990s and recorded several demos before releasing their first album »LeafFall« in 2007. The second album, »Awaiting The Sun«, was released in 2011 at Firefield Records/EMG. After EP »Nén« appeared unsigned in 2012, the Fauns are now recording their third album....
Members: Falk H.
, Jan-Peer H.
, Kirsten M.
, Nils H.
, Thomas G.
Instruments: acoustic and electric guitars, flute, viola, synth, bass, drums
Founded: 1995
FILIA was founded in 1993 in Pilsen. This band performs mostly during events of "3pé association" and church services of KS Plzeň (Pilsener Christian Association). Occasionally also performs individual concerts. Friendship and links to friends concerned with the world of J.R.R. Tolkien, namely Laisi Finwen, is reflected in Filia's composition and repertoire. ...
Members: Yanwë Lindamen
, Zuzana Pešková
Tomáš Pinkas
Petra Tišerová
Jan Tišer
Martin Šrámek
Instruments: kytara, flétna, housle, baskytara, bicí, prekussions
Founded: 1993
Hlasy Středozemě (Voices of Middle-earth)
Hlasy Středozemě (Voices of Middle-earth) was the informal group playing songs with Tolkien theme, which met several times a year together on musical rehearsals, recording songs of former Poetic Fellowship or The False Fellowship and performed at appropriate occasions - such as the annual TolkienCon.
As there are musicians from different bands inside and outside, the actual composition was always adapted to the specific musical project....
, Aho, Daniela Binderová, Eliška Nejedlá, Fallon Elenwen, Kateřina Schwarzerová, Laeg Mortemir vai Eledar, Petr Bohdan, Vojtěch Domin
Instruments: harfa, kytary, housle, flétny, akordeon, bodhránu, perkussions, dudy
Founded: 2012
Pád Gondolinu (The Fall of Gondolin)
The Fall of Gondolin is the song cycle composed by Alex Lewis, leading expert and witness of professor Tolkien’s live and work. In the Czech Republic, the Fall of Gondolin (“Pád Gondolinu” in Czech) is inherently linked to the False Fellowship group, which has taken this cycle, translated it into Czech and has spread its fame among Czech people for over twenty years, already....
Členové, kteří byli u začátku projektu Pád Gondolinu v roce 1995:
Petr Bohdan (Bóža)
Daniela Binderová
Blanka Salmonová (Fallon)
Michal Kára (Lemming)
Jana Pažoutová
Další členové, kteří se podílí na nahrávacím projektu nyní:
Vojtěch Domin (Bardě)
Eliška Nejedlá (Elsa)
Zuzana Ottová (Polly)
Františka Andršová (Aredhel)
Josef Plch (Timbo)
obrázek k uskupení poskytla Šárka Škorpíková
Instruments: kytary, flétny, harfa, cajón a perkuse, klávesy
Founded: 1995 - cyklus přišel do Čech
Poetické Hudební Společenstvo (Poetic Musical Fellowship)
Poeticke Hudebni Spolecenstvo (PHS; Poetic Musical Fellowship) was established in 2016. Songs and music produced by PHS are inspired by the work of J. R. R. Tolkien. The name of the band suggests that PHS is a direct successor of a former musical band called Poeticke Spolecenstvo (PS; Poetic Fellowship), whose musical legacy PHS maintains and develops further. Unlike PS, musical group PHS focuses solely on songs and music production....
Members: Aho
, Kateřina Schwarzerová
, Katka García
, Máša Súrendil Klepetková
, Petr Bohdan
, Vojtěch Domin
, Vlaďas Kučera
Míša Svatošová
Instruments: kytary, harfa, flétny, housle, bezpražcová basa, dudy, akordeon, mandolína, percussions, cajon, ...
Founded: 2016
Poetické společenstvo (Poetic Fellowship)
This story has started long time ago, and its outset is shrouded by a mists of oblivion. I would like to ask every reader in advance, to turn a blind eye on this story, and -those personally involved- to be tolerant to my sentiment and mistakes....
Members: Jitka Žídková
, Kateřina Schwarzerová
, Katka García
, Petr Bohdan
, Dároš
Instruments: ak. kytary, harfa, flétny, housle, bodhrán, perkussion
Founded: 1992
Succuba (* 2001) is a band of which the cofounder and longstanding leading member is Zuzka "Sirentis" Koubková. Originally the band was co-founded by Jakub D. Kočí, but after a couple of years and many songs written, he left the band and let it fly in its own waves.
The next outstanding persona and big contribution for Succuba was Oldřich "Elfy" Poděbradský. He created new arranges for the Jakub's songs, but after some time he also left....
Members: Jakub D. Kočí
, Jakub "Doktor" Smolka
Zuzka "Sirentis" Koubková
Katka Aronová
Olda "Elfy" Poděbradský
Jirka "Skeeve" Schlesinger
Katka Skoupá
Mario Čumpelík
Instruments: violoncello, klávesy, flétna, el. kytara, ak. kytara, bicí
Founded: 2001
The Flight of the Noldor
Eager fans of the second song cycle of Alex Lewis „The Flight of the Noldor“, who decided to introduce and pass this cycle on to other Czech fans.
Led by Elsa (Eliška Nejedlá), Bardě (Vojtěch Domin) and Daniela Binderová they are spreading catchy melodies and plaintive and heroic lyrics by performing these songs on TolkienCon and similar events, teaching audience the tunes and lyrics so that they can sing along....
Members: Daniela Binderová
, Eliška Nejedlá
, Vojtěch Domin
, Eliška Nejedlá (Elsa), Vojta Domin (Bardě), Daniela Binderová, Františka Andršová (Aredhel), David Beneš (Lokýt), Ondřej Janovský (Nerion), Michal Kára (Lemming), Jaroslav Samoel (Sam)
Instruments: kytary, irské bouzouki, akordeon, harfa, perkuse, cajón, ...
Founded: 2014