Pád Gondolinu (The Fall of Gondolin)
The Fall of Gondolin is the song cycle composed by Alex Lewis, leading expert and witness of professor Tolkien’s live and work. In the Czech Republic, the Fall of Gondolin (“Pád Gondolinu” in Czech) is inherently linked to the False Fellowship group, which has taken this cycle, translated it into Czech and has spread its fame among Czech people for over twenty years, already.
The Fall of Gondolin Song Cycle was composed mainly during the early summer of 1985 and came to initial completion by the summer of the following year. Songs from the Song Cycle were first performed at Oxonmoot 1985.
On the history of the song cycle in England, we quote from http://www.tolkienlibrary.com/reviews/taleofgondolin.htm
“The development of the song cycle originated by reading the detailed and moving account of Tuor and his coming to Gondolin in The Unfinished Tales. This story could finally be completed when in 1985 The Book of Lost Tales volume 2 was published. Subjects for the songs were drawn from the many incidents in the Tale of Gondolin. Twenty four songs were first written that covered Tuor from his capture by the Easterlings to his departure on the Sea Wing with his wife. More songs were written after that to complement the collection. The subsequent recording of the Song Cycle took seven years to bring to completion. Once the Fall of Gondolin was ready even a further stage of refinement in the texts was pursued and The Tale of Gondolin was written out in full. Completed in detail the Tale of Gondolin was presented to the Vice President of the Tolkien Society with an explanation of the Song cycle and its genesis. This was primarily done in order to seek out inconsistencies in plot within the lyrics.”
The history of The Fall of Gondolin song cycle in the Czech Republic started in 1995, when three cassette tapes and a songbook were delivered to the Czech Tolkien Society. The father of this project is Petr Bohdan (Bóža), who initiated work on Czech translations by The False Fellowship group. The Czech translation was completed in 2006. So far, three performances of the Czech version of Fall of Gondolin have been performed in the Czech Republic. The songs are still popular among Czech Tolkien fans and often sung at many events, so, in 2019, the recording project finally started. In the following years, The False Fellowship intends to record all songs from The Fall of Gondolin in their Czech versions, for which the author have granted permission.
Now you can listen to the first five songs on this site: Lorgan (Lorgan), Voronwë (Voronwë), Přechod přes Sirion (Crossing the Sirion), Tunel (The Tunnel) and Vrbová země (The Land of the Willows).
Songs of the band
Crossing the Sirion
Píseň lidí
I. věk
, D.B.
, P.B.
, J.Ž.
Web of the band
Authors and members
Členové, kteří byli u začátku projektu Pád Gondolinu v roce 1995:
Petr Bohdan (Bóža)
Daniela Binderová
Blanka Salmonová (Fallon)
Michal Kára (Lemming)
Jana Pažoutová
Další členové, kteří se podílí na nahrávacím projektu nyní:
Vojtěch Domin (Bardě)
Eliška Nejedlá (Elsa)
Zuzana Ottová (Polly)
Františka Andršová (Aredhel)
Josef Plch (Timbo)
obrázek k uskupení poskytla Šárka Škorpíková