Laeg Mortemir vai Eledar

Laeg Mortemir vai Eledar

Elven multi-instrumentalist, bard, and occasional songwriter. He mainly deals with creating original songs with fantasy and historical themes, also composes a music on demand.

He lives with playing medieval music on bagpipes, he worked with groups Weytora, Barbarpunk and False Fellowship. In his free time attends LARP encounters, reads books and repairs Trabant cars.

Authorial albums

  • Hra na hrdiny (2010) (The LARP Game)
  • Báje v nás (2011) (Myths in Us)
  • Krajina věží (2012) (Land of Towers)


  • Fëanor a jeho synové (2010) (Fëanor and his Sons)
  • Vždycky budeme někomu vadit (2011) (We Will Always Bother Someone)


Member of

Falešné společenstvo

Additional info
